The attorneys of Degan, Blanchard & Nash recognize that an increasing number of legal disputes are being resolved through alternative resolution measures, including arbitration. Arbitration involves dispute resolution proceedings through the use of one or more non-judicial, third-party facilitators, who preside over the arbitration. Arbitrating parties receive a final decision from the arbitrator, which is either binding or non-binding depending on the terms of the arbitration agreement. The increasing popularity of arbitration can be attributed to the fact that legal disputes may often resolve faster, more privately, and in a more economic manner outside of the judicial system.
At the outset of any litigation or even before a dispute arises, the attorneys of Degan, Blanchard & Nash provide our clients with opinions and guidance concerning whether arbitration is the proper course of action. We are aware of the economic realities of the litigation arena and strive for the most economically beneficial resolution of claims. At Degan, Blanchard & Nash, our attorneys are well versed in the prosecution and defense of disputes through arbitration, and we work closely with our clients in determining if and when arbitration is in their best interest and better suits their needs than litigation. Degan, Blanchard & Nash’s attorneys are also well-versed in handling disputes in court regarding whether arbitration is required pursuant to contracts between parties.
Our attorneys have participated in binding and non-binding arbitration proceedings in a myriad of venues throughout the country. We have successfully represented corporations, associations and institutions, limited liability partnerships, specialty medical groups, and private individuals from a wide range of industries from oil and gas companies to the construction, telecommunications, transportation, insurance and pharmaceutical industries. The firm has effectively arbitrated cases involving maritime defense, construction litigation, insurance coverage and defense, trucking and transportation, professional malpractice, as well as many other practice areas.
Degan, Blanchard & Nash’s attorneys devote their time, education and efforts towards providing a defense to its clients, whether a case is in litigation or arbitration. We act as a strategic advisor to our clients to avoid litigation where possible, implement alternative dispute measures where feasible, settle cases upon economic grounds if appropriate and mount a vigorous defense when called for.
The attorneys of Degan, Blanchard & Nash attorneys have the experience and knowledge to help our clients identify the most effective dispute resolution method in their particular situation and to represent them dedicatedly and effectively in that forum.