Louisiana Environmental Defense Lawyer

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Environmental Law

Environmental law covers a diverse range of topics, including clean air, chemical safety, water regulators, endangered species, pollution prevention, and more. While businesses strive to follow regulations such as those enforced by the Environmental Protection Agency, LDEQ or Corp of Engineers, many industries necessitate the use of chemicals or procedures that could lead to alleged environmental issues. In such cases, a Louisiana environmental defense lawyer can be a crucial resource and ally to handle litigation.

Environmental Laws and the Industries They Impact

Petro-chemical is an industry commonly associated with environmental law. The notorious BP oil spill, which was to date the largest environmental damages settlement in the United States, cost around $20.8 billion. Among other laws cited in the case, the Oil Pollution Act and the Clean Water Act were significant factors. Ecological systems were disrupted as well as the industries that rely on those systems.

The EPA administers or helps to administer dozens of laws, including the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act, the Ocean Dumping Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act, and the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act. Therefore, various industries such as maritime businesses, chemical manufacturers, nuclear energy companies, agribusiness companies, and others must stay abreast of environmental laws.

Key Industries in Louisiana

Attracting new businesses to Louisiana, as well as encouraging the growth of already established businesses, is essential to the economic prosperity of the state. Energy, agribusiness, advanced manufacturing and process industries are named “key industries” in Louisiana, and it is expected that these businesses will continue to grow and expand.

Degan, Blanchard & Nash’s Environmental Law Experience

The attorneys at Degan, Blanchard & Nash are highly experienced in handling the wide range of environmental issues that are faced by employers in the oil and gas, maritime, refinery, manufacturing and transportation industries. Our attorneys handle claims ranging from bad faith claims to the defense of Superfund litigation.

Our representation and defense of many different types of environmental claims includes the defense of chemical manufacturers, employers, corporations using hazardous chemicals in the course of their operations, and other companies either directly or peripherally involved with the manufacture, handling, transportation and distribution of chemicals.

The firm defends numerous types of environmental claims, including wrongful death, personal injury and property damage claims. Our attorneys have represented employers as well as product manufacturers and others engaged in the handling, transportation and distribution of chemicals, including hazardous chemicals. We have worked extensively with experts such as toxicologists, epidemiologists, air modelers and meteorologists, and we are familiar with the scientific issues pertinent to the defense of environmental claims.

We have worked closely with both the Environmental Protection Agency and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality in connection with unexpected chemical releases and have also counseled clients regarding appropriate response measures following unexpected chemical releases. These efforts are instrumental in minimizing the potential costs that can be associated with a chemical release, both from a regulatory and civil litigation perspective.

We have a group of seasoned, experienced attorneys and an extensive litigation database that is essential to the defense of environmental claims, and which enables us to litigate these claims more efficiently than less experienced attorneys. We are extremely mindful of the costs associated with the defense of environmental claims and strive to minimize costs to the greatest extent possible in keeping with the potential exposure for the claims.

Our attorneys have considerable experience in handling large class action lawsuits as well as individual claims, including personal injury, wrongful death and property damage claims. Our experience enables us to provide our clients with an innovative defense while minimizing the costs of litigation, which can be considerable in environmental claims due to the nature and complexity of the issues involved.

In the event that a case ends up in an appellate court, our firm has a specific appellate practice section. This allows our firm to confidently handle cases from start to finish, whether they are resolved quickly or lead to drawn-out court processes. Our team of professionals can advise and guide you from the beginning of an environmental case to the ultimate resolution.

The firm also maintains a growing library of scientific information/data, which is often beneficial in obtaining an understanding of the complex issues arising from environmental disputes. Degan, Blanchard & Nash maintains an extensive list of expert witnesses who are often involved in the handling of environmental cases. Through the use of these and other efficient systems of operation, the firm is positioned to efficiently represent our clients while maintaining a strong defensive posture.

Finally, the technical expertise, including the education and training of several of our attorneys involved in the handling of insurance coverage and environmental defense litigation, can often be invaluable when dealing with the inevitably complex legal, factual and scientific issues which arise from these claims.

Regardless of the type of business you are involved in or the exact environmental issues you are allegedly responsible for, our team can provide the support and confidence you desire. Our team can fiercely negotiate and advocate for you while providing informed guidance and advice. Contact Degan, Blanchard & Nash today to receive the legal representation you need.