Louisiana Pharmaceutical Defense Lawyer

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Pharmaceutical and Medical Product Litigation

The pharmaceutical industry is constantly growing and evolving alongside new research, as well as new challenges in medicine. In order to create better versions of medications and help people lead happier, healthier lives, pharmaceutical companies must take risks and develop new products. A Louisiana pharmaceutical defense lawyer can give companies the confidence to dare to create new medications, knowing they have the legal advocacy they need.

Louisiana’s Pharmaceutical and Medical Product Industries

According to Louisiana Economic Development (LED), life sciences is a key industry in the state. This industry includes hospitals, research locations, etc. The New Iberia Research Center, for example, which is located right next to Lafayette, contributed to vaccine research during the COVID-19 pandemic. Baton Rouge is the location of centers such as the National Hansen’s Disease Program, which has contributed to drug research for leprosy,

Companies ranging from SOLA Pharmaceuticals in Baton Rouge to South Rampart Pharma in New Orleans contribute to a thriving pharmaceutical industry within the state. Regardless of the type of medical product or drug a company is manufacturing, putting products on the market comes with some level of risk. Even well-made products can have side effects or other problems, which is when legal representation becomes all the more important.

Pharmaceutical Company Defense

Degan, Blanchard & Nash defends pharmaceutical, medical product and life sciences companies against allegations of defective or injurious products. As pharmaceutical companies continue to market new products, issues arise concerning the side effects of these drugs. Our firm’s experience in defending pharmaceutical manufacturers includes manufacturers and distributers of:

  • Prescription drugs: Legal claims over prescription drugs, such as opioids, can cost pharmacy manufacturers or distributors millions. Particularly when prescription drugs are of an addictive nature or come with greater potential side effects, the odds of legal claims can significantly rise.
  • Vaccines: As evidenced in the COVID-19 epidemic, U.S. citizens have a broad range of perspectives on vaccine usage, and many people display an inherent distrust of newly developed vaccines. Companies need to be able to develop vaccines without fearing harsh legal reprisal.
  • Over-the-counter medications: Even over-the-counter (OTC) medications that do not require a prescription can end up being the crux of a legal case. This is especially true if pharmaceutical companies do not receive legal advice when designing warning labels, advertisements, and other accompanying media or literature.
  • Supplements: Dietary and food supplements may also have legal claims filed against them, and companies producing supplements need to be knowledgeable about how to properly label and inform consumers about their products. Allegedly misleading or incorrect information is common in legal claims concerning supplements. Cases involving supplements have cost companies millions.

Medical Product Defense

Beyond drugs, various medical products support the healthcare systems and contribute to overall healing and wellness. Our firm has handled litigation relative to dialysis machines, home alert devices, morphine pumps, RF lipo-thermal devices, and spinal fixation devices. The attorneys of Degan, Blanchard & Nash have broad-based litigation experience in professional and product liability, which enables our firm to solve complex issues raised in pharmaceutical litigation.

Our attorneys handle matters spanning from individual suits to multi-district consolidated matters to class actions. We are experienced in the efficient management of individual, consolidated, and class action claims at the local, regional, and national levels throughout Louisiana and across the country. We have experience defending product liability cases involving innovation, regulation, marketing, and compliance.

We have successfully defended the design and the manufacture of our clients’ products, as well as the warnings, package inserts, and other promotional materials associated with those products, in state and federal courts across the country. Clear labeling, providing clients with knowledge of possible side effects, and informing them of their own responsibility when using a product are ways to preemptively protect your company from product litigation.

Our services are not only limited to litigation. The attorneys of Degan, Blanchard & Nash routinely advise and counsel pharmaceutical manufacturers alternative dispute resolution prior to litigation and to minimize their risk of future claims. We are proficient not only in defending our clients in litigation when claims arise, but are also able to provide sound and practical advice to help minimize and eliminate the likelihood of potential future claims.

Degan, Blanchard & Nash’s History of Successful Company Defense

Based on our attorneys’ experience, we frequently obtain favorable judgments by proving that many claims do not fall within Louisiana’s Products Liability Act. Accordingly, our litigators have obtained favorable defensive victories in the early stages of litigation through summary judgments and other dispositive motions. We have also secured favorable appellate rulings, which have been upheld.

Our firm’s product’s liability section retains highly qualified experts who can effectively defend any type of products liability claim. We know the importance of retaining experts recognized in the fields of engineering, medicine, biology, and other areas to guide judges and juries through our defense of a case. Our experts are well-known, accomplished professionals who have testified in state and federal courts throughout the country and can assist us in obtaining favorable results for our clients.

Some potential clients may be releasing a new drug to the market and want to ensure that their packaging and labeling are thorough enough to help prevent legal issues. Others may be currently embroiled in litigation. In any case, Degan, Blanchard & Nash can help. Our team can advise you, help you navigate court systems, obtain vital support from other professionals, and build the strongest case possible for you. Contact our team today.