Louisiana Professional Liability Defense Lawyer

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A broad range of professions isat risk for challenging legal suits. This is true for doctors, engineers, attorneys, architects, accountants, and a host of other professionals who are held to particular industry standards. Minimizing risk is always wise, but a Louisiana professional liability defense lawyer is a crucial resource to turn to when dealing with legal issues.

Our professional liability defense group is comprised of attorneys with unsurpassed expertise in defending professionals from a variety of industries, including claims involving medical/healthcare providers, the legal/accounting industries, real estate agents/brokers, insurance agents/brokers, design professionals/architects and engineers, financial planners, investment advisors, and other professional disciplines.

Professional Liability in Health Care

The medical and health care industries are settings in which any type of mishap can become the catalyst for a professional liability lawsuit. Our firm represents a variety of medical and health care professionals in such cases and board proceedings. Our clients include:

  • Hospitals: Louisiana is home to a thriving life sciences sector of industry, including hospitals such as Tulane Health System, which has three hospitals in the New Orleans area. Providing care to patients with deadly diseases and potentially life-altering diseases is a necessary but risky job.
  • Dialysis centers: Louisiana not only has numerous hospitals and life science research centers, but it also has numerous dialysis centers in cities such as Baton Rouge, Lafayette, New Orleans, and beyond. Dialysis centers, similar to hospitals, provide care, which comes with inherent risks that cases may results in a poor outcome.
  • Nursing homes: Families may have high or even unrealistic expectations of the type of care that should be provided. Nursing home staff and businesses deserve to be protected from professional liability risks just as much as hospital staff and hospital networks do.
  • Doctors: Doctors are held to a high standard of care and make daily decisions that impact their patients’ short-and long-term recovery. While doctors need to uphold professional standards, they also deserve legal protection for actions taken in the course of treatment.
  • Nurses: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, between 2022 and 2032, employment of registered nurses (RNs) is expected to rise by around six percent. With universities such as Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge adding new nurses to the pool, there will also likely be an increased need for these nurses to have adequate legal representation.
  • Psychologists: While psychologists are not performing open heart surgery or administering CPR in an ambulance, their decisions directly impact their clients’ health and well-being. Like doctors and nurses, psychologists need access to the legal representation a professional liability defense lawyer can offer.
  • Other health care professionals. Hospitals, research centers, mental health centers, and other parts of the medical system employ a host of professionals, all deserving of fair and dependable legal representation.

We defend in all types of professional liability health care claims involving professional negligence, medical malpractice, and improper patient care. Whether a client is facing charges before a disciplinary board or in court, our attorneys ensure the client’s voice is heard and accurately conveyed.

Professional Liability in Financial Professions and Beyond

Degan, Blanchard & Nash’s representation of accountants includes claims of fraud and breach of fiduciary duty. In addition, we handle cases concerning numerous accounting and auditing issues, such as the failure to detect embezzlement and employee defalcation, as well as errors in the provision of consulting services, inventory valuations, internal controls, and balance sheet presentations. We also represent clients before professional boards with respect to client disputes, ethical issues, and licensing.

Our attorneys have a successful record of practicing in the design, engineering, and construction industries, and they have substantial experience in the complexities of construction law and litigation, which is an environment that is continually changing. Professional liability claims in these industries have become so common that many plaintiffs consider professional liability policies to be an additional source of project contingency funding.

The attorneys in our professional liability defense group also are experienced in representing officers and directors against allegations of fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, self-dealing, usurpation of corporate opportunities, unlawful distribution of corporate assets, discrimination and other alleged wrongdoing. Officers and directors also have exposure in traditional breach of contract and commercial matters, which we handle on a regular basis.

Professional liability claims against lawyers historically escalate during economic downturns like that occurring now. Due to factors such as the loss of value of assets, many business deals lose traction, and many attorneys begin to practice outside their core areas of competency. Regardless of the reasons, accusations of poor conduct or misrepresentations represent a threat for all law firms in all economies. Our attorneys are prepared to represent legal professionals against professional liability claims before state and federal courts, arbitration panels, and licensing and disciplinary boards.

Building a Strong Defense

When appropriate, we are able to leverage outside resources to gain intimate knowledge of a plaintiff’s business and/or to provide our firm with a better understanding of the claims being brought against our clients. Our team of over 50 lawyers can offer effective defense strategies and has experience at all levels of Louisiana’s court systems. With decades of combined experience, we can determine a suitable strategy for your case.

Our attorneys have litigated numerous cases to successful conclusions for our clients. In addition to defending claims in courts, alternative dispute forums, and before professional boards, we have advised our clients on risk management to help reduce exposure to future claims. With skills ranging from mediation and arbitration to specific knowledge of Louisiana’s appellate courts, our team offers a host of knowledge and experience to our clients.

Regardless of the type of case, the attorneys in our professional liability defense group approach every engagement with earnest determination. We work closely with our clients to identify their needs, and allocate and manage our resources in the most efficient manner possible to achieve their goals. The attorneys in our professional liability defense group have earned a reputation for their experience, expertise, knowledge, and ethics among their peers in the profession.

Consult With the Skilled Attorneys at Degan, Blanchard & Nash Today

Adding a professional liability claim in addition to other professional demands only increases your stress. Whether you are a corporate CEO, a lawyer representing a Louisiana hospital system, or another skilled professional, working with Degan, Blanchard & Nash can alleviate stress and lead to a more desirable outcome in your legal case. Reach out and speak to someone from our team today.