Louisiana Toxic Tort Defense Lawyer

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Toxic Tort & Occupational Exposure Litigation

There are a number of professions as well as everyday tasks and environments that can result in exposure to toxic materials. Louisiana has many plants that manufacture goods and raw material wherein not only its employees but also the public may become exposed to chemicals that could subject a company to litigation. It is in these situations that an attorney experienced in toxic tort or occupational exposure can help mitigate damaging litigation.

Common Cases for a Toxic Tort Defense Lawyer

Degan, Blanchard & Nash provides its clients with efficient, innovative and effective representation in actions involving personal injury or property damage arising from exposure to a variety of potentially toxic substances. Toxic tort cases typically involve bodily injury claims arising from allegations of exposure to toxic chemicals or hazardous materials. This could be exposure at a workplace, in a home or in any number of other environments or scenarios.

Degan, Blanchard & Nash has represented manufacturers, retailers, distributors, material suppliers, property owners, and public utilities in actions in state and federal courts throughout the southeastern United States. The following are representative areas in which Degan, Blanchard & Nash has represented clients:

  • Asbestos:
  • Silica;
  • Benzene;
  • Petroleum;
  • Pesticides:.
  • Solvents;
  • Formaldehyde;
  • Mold;
  • Lead;
  • Carbide;
  • Forever Chemicals PFAS
  • PCE;
  • TCE;
  • Pharmaceuticals;
  • Dietary supplements

Louisiana’s Job Market and the Intersection with Toxic Tort

Louisiana not only has a thriving energy sector, which is identified as a key industry in the state, but it also has multiple university programs that focus on oil and gas and their place in the energy sector. Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge offers both undergraduate and graduate degree programs in petroleum engineering, while the University of Louisiana at Lafayette offers a focus on petroleum geology and exploration.

Beyond energy, Louisiana is focusing efforts on the sectors of agribusiness and advanced manufacturing. Pesticides, concerns about food safety and other potential issues are liable to arise in the agribusiness field, while various toxic materials and chemicals are likely to be present in manufacturing.

As the state encourages industry growth and offers incentives for various companies to expand and grow, there comes an increased risk of toxic tort claims. Many industries such as construction, mining, pharmaceutical production and others, come with an inherent risk of litigation, as do certain related industries.

How a Toxic Tort Defense Lawyer Can Help

Degan, Blanchard & Nash has extensive experience representing clients in individual suits in state and federal courts, as well as in MDL proceedings and class actions. The firm represents numerous clients facing toxic tort claims on a local, regional and national level. Our attorneys have extensive experience working with experts to develop complex medical and epidemiological defenses in toxic tort suits and we strive to stay abreast of the most current developments in science and the medical literature.

We are well-versed in multi-party complex tort litigation and the unique demands they present. Our experience includes not only trial work, but also negotiation and successful alternative dispute resolution of toxic tort cases. Our team can offer experience in both mediation and arbitration to try to keep cases from going to court or becoming embroiled in complex litigation.

Our depth of experience in both trial and appellate courts allows us to thoroughly evaluate all claims facing our clients and to provide them with the best legal representation whether they face one suit or multiple claims. With a dedicated appellate practice team, Degan, Blanchard & Nash can offer support regardless of what direction an occupational exposure claim may go.

Specific Toxic Tort Cases Handled by Degan, Blanchard & Nash

Degan, Blanchard & Nash has defended several lawsuits involving the clean-up activities of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. That litigation, as extensive as it was regarding the actual release of oil, extended beyond to injuries allegedly sustained by workers during the clean-up operations. The oil dispersant utilized during the procedure allegedly caused a toxic exposure reaction to clean-up workers.

Degan, Blanchard & Nash defended several temporary employment service agencies who contracted for the oil clean-up procedure, as well as third party contract companies involved in that same toxic reaction litigation. Our team can confidently work with various types of companies, whether they are large energy giants or smaller niche companies.

Degan, Blanchard & Nash has become involved in defending toxic tort litigation regarding the “fracking” process of recovering oil and gas from certain geological formations.

The fluids created during fracking contain chemicals and natural additives and are alleged to have caused toxic damage to property, as well as toxic reactions to drilling employees. Companies have begun actively pursuing oil and natural gas deposits utilizing the fracking method in Louisiana, Texas and the Arkansas area.

In addition, companies have begun pursuing the technique in the Gulf of Mexico region. The fracking process requires large quantities of water mixed with certain chemicals which are alleged to cause property damage, coastline loss, as well as toxic reactions to individual workers and the public in areas affected.

Degan, Blanchard & Nash provides its clients with cost effective representation in toxic tort and occupational exposure litigation, as well as representation in the newest fields of toxic exposure. Whether you are currently navigating a toxic tort claim or searching for legal counsel to advise you on how to create policies and take other measures to help avoid toxic tort claims, our team can provide the support you need. Reach out to the Degan, Blanchard & Nash team today.